Hair Problem

Deep Homoeopathy

Hair fall

  • It's one of the basic problem which is suffered by all age groups, irrespective of gender. Falling of more than 100 strands/day.. is actually called hair fall.


  • Poor Diet
  • Incomplete sleep
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Low haemoglobin or serum ferritin
  • Change of weather
  • Change of sudden life style
  • After Pregnancy
  • Pcod
  • Menopausal effects
  • Poor digestive system
  • Hard water
  • Using harsh chemical including chemical shampoo

  • Deep Homoeopathy


    • Medically it called seborrheic dermatitis, that’s inflammation of scalp which leads of yellow or white scales, with or without odor and with itching.


  • Poor scalp hygiene
  • Too much oily
  • change of weather
  • Poor diet
  • Excess hard chemical exposure like rebounding ,smoothing ,or colouring

  • Deep Homoeopathy

    MPB(male pattern Baldness)

    • Male pattern baldness refers to a loss of hair on the scalp in men esp frontal and top of the head. It is associated with male sex hormones called androgens. The androgens have many functions, including regulating hair growth.


  • Genetic
  • Family history
  • Poor life style
  • Excessive smoking
  • Stressful environment

  • Deep Homoeopathy

    FPB(female pattern Baldness)

    • Female pattern baldness also called androgenetic alopecia, is hair loss that affects women. It's similar to male pattern baldness, except that women can lose their hair in a different pattern than men. Before that, it occurs in women who experience hair loss after menopause, but it occurs in young women also.


  • Genetic
  • Stress
  • Family history
  • Poor diet
  • After pregnancy
  • Menopausal
  • Sleeplessness

  • Deep Homoeopathy


    • Alopecia areata is a condition that causes hair to fall out in small patches, which can be unnoticeable. These patches may connect, however, and then become noticeable. The condition develops when the immune system attacks the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.


  • Alopecia areata
  • Alopecia areata totalis
  • Alopecia areata universalis