Relationship Counselling

Deep Homoeopathy

Relationship counselling

  • Your counsellor will spend the initial part of the therapy in building a rapport with you and giving you a safe, non-judgemental atmosphere to share your challenges.
  • The counselor will understand the current concerns, explore the relationship in-depth, identify the areas of work, set goals for therapy.
  • Gain an understanding of the patterns of communication, attachment styles, present triggers, unresolved conflicts, unhealed relational wounds and its impact.
  • After receiving clarity on the length and breadth of the relationship concern, the Counsellor will help to identify whether individual sessions will suffice or there is a need for couples counselling or family therapy as well to find a resolution.

  • Relationship Counselling Helps:
  • Explore ideas and patterns of relationships
  • Identify met and unmet needs
  • Managing expectations
  • Work on communication style
  • Boundary setting
  • Conflict resolution