
Deep Homoeopathy

A balanced diet is a diet that contains differing kinds of foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the requirement for calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and alternative nutrients is adequate and a small provision is reserved for additional nutrients to endure the short length of leanness.

Person Calorie requirements
Sedentary children: 2–8 years 1,000–1,400
Active children: 2–8 years 1,000–2,000
Females: 9–13 years 1,400–2,200
Males: 9–13 years 1,600–2,600
Active females: 14–30 years 2,400
Sedentary females: 14–30 years 1,800–2,000
Active males: 14–30 years 2,800–3,200
Sedentary males: 14–30 years 2,000–2,600
Active people: 30 years and over 2,000–3,000
Sedentary people: 30 years and over 1,600–2,400

We are expertise in

  • Weight loss management
  • Healthy weight gain and its management
  • Disease related diet Chart
  • Brain Relaxing Diet
  • Nutritional psychology
  • Hair Diet