
Deep Homoeopathy

Allergy Complaints

  • Its define as a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food, pollen, fur, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.

Deep Homoeopathy


  • Rhinitis is inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose, characterized by a runny nose and stuffiness and usually caused by the common cold or a seasonal allergy. Colds and allergies are the most common causes of rhinitis. Symptoms of rhinitis include a runny nose, sneezing, and stuffiness.

Deep Homoeopathy


  • Sinusitis is a common inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the cavities that produce the mucus necessary for the nasal passages to work effectively. It can be acute or chronic, and it can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergies, or even an autoimmune reaction.


  • Pain in maxillary or frontal region
  • Running nose
  • Red eyes
  • Headache
  • Blocked nose
  • Some ear infection also present